Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Papers Please First Impression

In Papers Please, you play as and immigration officer for the country of Arstozka who checks people's passports and other documentation. Every day, something changes to make your job harder and the laws stricter. It becomes increasingly hard to keep track of all the rules and making sure that there are no information discrepancies, all within a timely manner. You get paid, I'm pretty sure, per person who enters Arstozka.

Throughout the course of the game, there are different situations or scenarios where you have to make a choice one way or another that actually affects the outcome of the game. There are probably even some that you don't even realize, unless you're paying close attention. If you mess up and either turn someone away who had all valid information, or let someone in who had invalid information, you get a citation. It goes on a three strike basis. I think after three, you get penalized and docked pay.

Papers Please really starts to stress you out as the rules increase alongside the amount of information you have to check. The people are idiots sometimes and "forget" that they need to have a passport. The main thing you have to remember about this game is to check every, single, itty, bitty, tiny piece of information on every single document. This is why it becomes frustrating and stressful! I definitely love Papers Please, it is an excellent, challenging game. You can take a look at my first video on it here, and head over to my channel to follow the rest of the series by clicking my name! Don't forget to subscribe!

1 comment :

  1. This is a pretty interesting game. You really need to be on your toes and look everything over very good. I enjoy watching it.


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