Hey there again, this post is just to let you know that I am adding a new topic to my blog. The reasons for this are that, one, currently there are not many posts on my blog, and I would like to have more. Second, this new topic is something that I've been wanting to do. I was going to start this later on, but with very few posts on my blog as it is currently, I thought this would be good to have more frequent posts.
So anyway, the new topic I will be blogging about is
Daily Bible Reading with DragoNate
This will probably be a blog specific thing, it's not going to be linked directly with my YouTube channel. I will be reading my Bible and then sharing with you my thoughts on what I read and what I got out of it. I hope you like this idea, and as always, it would be great to hear your thoughts on this! Thanks again, and Godbless!
Look forward to reading this!!