Saturday, 9 July 2016

Bible Reading #194 - Nimrod the Warrior

Nimrod the Warrior

Genesis 10

Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is Beautiful. - Prince
I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 8-9) "Cush was the father of Nimrod, the first mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed. That is why people used to say, 'He's like Nimrod, a mighty hunter whom the LORD blessed.' "

My Thoughts

I always find it hard to find a specific meaning with some of the genealogies in the Bible. I understand God values us that much that He cares about it, but what does it mean for us? I've written another post, here, having to do with genealogies. It's just hard for me to find something meaningful to me with them.

You've obviously heard of Nimrod before, haven't you? I hope so. I mean, he was only the first mighty warrior on the earth. He was a famous man! No? You've probably heard Nimrod before, though it may not have been actually referencing the mighty warrior of Genesis. I have heard of Nimrod as someone who is mighty and I have also heard 'nimrod' used as an insult.

a mighty warrior
Mighty as can be!
I don't understand that. How can we seriously take the name of a mighty warrior, and actually use it as an insult? That just does not make sense. I understand that 'Nimrod' may not sound like the most appealing name, at least not in our society, but really. I think our society tries to find insults in peoples' names too much.

When someone calls someone a 'nimrod', it means the same thing as 'numb-skull'. Honestly though, if someone were to call me 'nimrod' now, I'd say thank you! In my mind, it's a compliment and they'd be saying I'm equivalent to Nimrod in Genesis!

I guess what I got out of this passage, not so much what it said, but what it made me think of, is that a person's name is an important thing. It's not only what they are called by. People in the Bible often named their children specific things for a reason. Sometimes, they were not so good reasons, meaning the name sucked for that child.

Names still have meanings now. The name Nathan means gift of God. My mom called me Nathan partly because she was told she would never have kids. And then she had me. Your name means something too. Maybe it wasn't given to you for that reason, but it still has a meaning.

Lastly, we need to not insult people by their names, or at all for that matter. There are some pretty cools stories where names have power. A Wizard of Earthsea is a good one. In that story, if you know a creature's true name, you can bind them. You have power over them. Real life may not work that way, but a person's name is more than just what they're called by. Don't treat it with contempt.

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!


  1. Nimrod has become an insult because of Bugs Bunny. Elmer Fudd was chasing Bugs and Bugs sarcastically called him Nimrod, the mighty hunter. Few viewers got the reference. They thought the word meant an idiot, as Fudd famously was. Ever since "Nimrod" has been an insult.

  2. Thank you Anonymous for telling me about the Bugs Bunny reference! I didn't realize that and it is very interesting and cool that they put that reference in there. Too bad few people realized it though. The reason this is a separate comment is because Blogger won't let me reply for some reason. I will figure out a different comment system at some point.


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