Asking Repeatedly
Genesis 18
(v. 15) "Because she was afraid, Sarah denied that she had laughed. But the LORD said, 'Yes, you did laugh.' " (v. 25) "It would be unthinkable for you to do such a thing, to treat the innocent and the guilty alike and to kill the innocent with the guilty. That would be unthinkable! Won't the judge of the whole earth do what is fair?' " (v. 32) " 'Please don't be angry i I speak only one more time,' Abraham said. 'What if 10 are found there?' "
My Thoughts
Yes, I know this post is on Genesis 18. That is because I already made a previous post on Genesis 17. There is more that can be gotten out of it though, so I recommend you go read Genesis 17 yourself this week. Then, if you would like, come back here and tell me what you got from it! Or you can tell me on Twitter or Facebook, or send me an email at!
God told Abraham that He was planning to destroy Sodom. Abraham understood that it was because of the wicked God was going to do this, but he didn't want any innocent people, or righteous people to be destroyed along with them. So he asked God if He would spare the city for the sake of 50 innocent people. God said that He would.
Have you ever asked the same question multiple times to the same person? Maybe as a child you repeatedly asked for a toy, or "are we there yet?" on a road trip. Did you ever get told to stop asking or did someone get mad at your for asking repeatedly? Probably at some point. People are naturally curious and ask questions, especially as children.
People seem to ask less questions as they get older. There are probably many reasons, but for me personally, the biggest one is that I don't want to annoy or upset the person. No one should feel that way really. If someone asks me the same question, I don't get upset with them. Maybe it does annoy me a little. More so if they're asking because they didn't pay attention the first time. But if it's kids, it doesn't really bother me.
Abraham asked God multiple times, making the number less each time, if He would spare the city for the sake so many people. He was also worried that might be upset or angry with him for asking repeatedly. One thing for sure though, even if people may get upset with you for asking the same questions, or maybe just asking many questions, God doesn't.
Even when you're asking for something from God, He won't be angry with you for asking again and again. Regarding this, we often talk to God the same way we talk to people, which is a good thing! What's not good is that we often assume God responds the same way people do. God is not like us in that way. He is loving and doesn't get annoyed by us.
If you keep asking for something from God, it shows that you are committed to that. Your chances of God saying yes will not increase the more you ask, but it shows your faith that He may say yes eventually. Now again, our hearts need to be aligned with that of Jesus when we make a request. Read more about that HERE. You can still ask for a bike or a shirt you want that God would make it possible for you to get it. He doesn't frown on that.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. To God or to other people. People might get upset with you, but if you don't ask, you won't know the answer.
God told Abraham that He was planning to destroy Sodom. Abraham understood that it was because of the wicked God was going to do this, but he didn't want any innocent people, or righteous people to be destroyed along with them. So he asked God if He would spare the city for the sake of 50 innocent people. God said that He would.
Have you ever asked the same question multiple times to the same person? Maybe as a child you repeatedly asked for a toy, or "are we there yet?" on a road trip. Did you ever get told to stop asking or did someone get mad at your for asking repeatedly? Probably at some point. People are naturally curious and ask questions, especially as children.
People seem to ask less questions as they get older. There are probably many reasons, but for me personally, the biggest one is that I don't want to annoy or upset the person. No one should feel that way really. If someone asks me the same question, I don't get upset with them. Maybe it does annoy me a little. More so if they're asking because they didn't pay attention the first time. But if it's kids, it doesn't really bother me.
Abraham asked God multiple times, making the number less each time, if He would spare the city for the sake so many people. He was also worried that might be upset or angry with him for asking repeatedly. One thing for sure though, even if people may get upset with you for asking the same questions, or maybe just asking many questions, God doesn't.
Even when you're asking for something from God, He won't be angry with you for asking again and again. Regarding this, we often talk to God the same way we talk to people, which is a good thing! What's not good is that we often assume God responds the same way people do. God is not like us in that way. He is loving and doesn't get annoyed by us.
If you keep asking for something from God, it shows that you are committed to that. Your chances of God saying yes will not increase the more you ask, but it shows your faith that He may say yes eventually. Now again, our hearts need to be aligned with that of Jesus when we make a request. Read more about that HERE. You can still ask for a bike or a shirt you want that God would make it possible for you to get it. He doesn't frown on that.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. To God or to other people. People might get upset with you, but if you don't ask, you won't know the answer.
Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.
Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!
I have always said, The only stupid question is the question NOT asked. So yes, ask!