Saturday, 30 July 2016

Bible Reading #200 - My Choices, Your Fault

My Choices, Your Fault

Genesis 16

Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is Beautiful. - Prince
I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 3) "After Abram had lived in Canaan for ten years, Abrams wife Sarai took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife." (v. 5-6) "So Sarai complained to Abram, 'I'm being treated unfairly! And it's your fault! I know that I gave my slave to you, but now that she's pregnant, she's being disrespectful to me. May the LORD decide who is right--you or me.' Abram answered Sarai, 'Here is your slave. Do what you like with her.' Then Sarai mistreated Hagar so much that she ran away."

My Thoughts

Wow. This one's a little upsetting. Sarai wasn't having any kids and wasn't willing to wait on God for His plan to come through like He promised. She gave her slave (or 'maidservant', because the word slave does not mean the same thing now as it did then and is very harsh and negative,) to her husband so she could have a child and family through her. In fact, she told Abram to lay with Hagar.

After Hagar became pregnant, she became disrespectful to Sarai. Now she was in the wrong there and she should not have changed her attitude toward Sarai. When this started happening, Sarai blamed Abram for it! Hang on a sec... So Sarai gives Hagar to Abram, tellis him to lay with her, and when Hagar gets pregnant and disrespects Sarai, it's somehow Abrams fault?! Nope, doesn't work that way sweetie!

All of this was Sarai's choice, and her wants. Granted, Abram could've said no, but he also wanted to make his wife happy. It was Sarai's choice and wants and actions, but somehow it's Abram's fault. Not really. It's really her own fault because she should've trusted in God. Actually, I don't think God had made the promise of a child to Sarai yet... She still should have prayed to and trusted in God.

All three of them were at fault in some way in this story. Sarai at the start for giving her servant to her husband and telling him to get her pregnant, then later blaming him for her consequences. Abram for agreeing and going along with it. And finally, Hagar for being disrespectful to Sarai. Then Sarai again for mistreating Hagar to the point of running away.

If you suffer anything for the choices you make for yourself or the choices you make for others, it is your own fault. If someone else causes you suffering for whatever reason, it is their fault. Each person is only responsible for their own sins and their own wrongs and their own actions and their own choices. You can read more about that topic specifically HERE. Actually it more relates to parents vs. their children in that regard.)

There is a difference in suffering for your own choices and being told that it is your fault. If someone else is making you suffer in some way that is not deserved or justified or in any way okay, it is NOT your fault. It doesn't matter whether you did something to bring it on yourself. There is an appropriate punishment for each crime, so to speak. If you are suffering for no reason, but are being told that it is your fault, that is wrong. It is NOT your fault and they are in the wrong.

Just remember that for yourself and don't let what someone else says to you make you believe it. Remember the truth.

Genesis 17

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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