Saturday, 30 April 2016

Bible Reading #174 - Witnessing


Jeremiah 26

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 8) "But as soon as Jeremiah finished saying everything that the LORD commanded him to say, the priests, the prophets and all the people grabbed him and said, 'You must die!" (v. 16) "Then the officials and all the people said to the priests and prophets, 'This man should not be condemned to die. He has spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God.' "

My Thoughts

God had sent Jeremiah to speak to the people and warn them of what God was going to do to them, the city and the temple if they did not turn from their ways. Jeremiah was, in a way, witnessing to the people. I think the term witnessing more has to do with Jesus. We are witnesses of Jesus' resurrection. I believe it still works in this case though.

Jeremiah witnesses to the people and tells them what God told him to say, and when he finished, he was threatened with death. The officials, at least one one of them, supported Jeremiah and they all spoke about others like him and what happened there. They convinced the people to listen, who told the priests and prophets that Jeremiah should not be killed.

We still witness today. Most of the time on a 'smaller' scale. Most of us probably don't speak on stage or in front of large groups of people. It is our friends and maybe family and coworkers and peers that we witness to. Our own actions and lives can be exactly that and get God's message across sometimes. Other times, it is through what we say.

This I why I say we have to be wary of what we say and how we act. Earlier this week, I wasn't so conscious of this. Here's a picture.

On my YouTube channel, I play games. I watch other gamers. I didn't like a certain thing that happened with this game, and to shorten it, I just said I hated it. The developer responded to my comment...

All turned out well, and I will have a video of this game on Monday. The point is that I wasn't very careful of what I was saying, was I? This was a little off topic, so back to witnessing. Most of us, even if we witness by speaking, we probably won't be threatened with death. Even if we are, why should that stop us? It didn't stop Jeremiah. Or many others who did God's work in the Bible.

Sometimes I think about this and about sharing Jesus with others. I don't make a huge effort to do that. There are times where the conversation pops up, and that's great. Otherwise, I don't go up to my friends or anyone else and start talking about Jesus immediately.

I believe, as I said, that our lives and actions can accomplish that goal. Have you ever heard actions speak louder than words? That's what comes to mind right now. Words are easily forgotten. Actions, not so much. Personally, I find it much easier to remember things that I saw rather than words that I heard, or sometimes, even read.

So if you ever think that you don't witness or that you don't enough, think about your actions. Don't think, "Man, I don't talk about Jesus with my friends enough." Think instead, "Do my actions show Jesus?" Be more conscious of that as well. And so will I.

I want to say a great big thank you to those of you who read my posts and also to those who share them. One person in particular has shared a number of my posts in the past few weeks, and I wanted to say thank you! It's so amazing to me that someone I don't even know has shared my blog posts, so thank you for that!

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Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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