Saturday, 23 April 2016

Bible Reading #172 - Joyful with Nothing

Joyful with Nothing

Habakkuk 3

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 17-18) "Even if the fig tree does not bloom and the vines have no grapes, even if the olive tree fails to produce and the fields yield no food, even if the sheep pen is empty and the stalls have no cattle--even then, I will be happy with the LORD. I will truly find joy in God, who saves me."

My Thoughts

So often, we tend to get stuck in a pattern or a routine. Routines can be a great thing. Something that you always do, you don't even have to think about it, so you rarely forget important things. It can also become a bad habit, or leave you relying on that routine. That means that your world can be turned upside down if you forget or are unable to do it.

If you don't have a need to think about an action or a routine, then your brain doesn't really pay attention anymore to what's happening in those moments. Your brain doesn't need to work as much for that action, so it stops focusing on it. Then, when something changes, even just slightly, you may not know what. It may throw you off completely.

Sometimes we start to get into a routine with our jobs or other parts of our lives. I don't mean like making sure you brush your teeth before bed. I mean large parts of your lives. The big things in our lives that are the reason we get up in the morning. We can end up just going through the motion and relying on that uniformity and organization for some kind of security.

This isn't inherently a bad thing. Structure is good, so is organization. Your job is important, and we all need some kind of entertainment. I'm not at all saying that you should randomly choose not to go to work. I'm just saying that we should not rely on that and the routine involved to be happy or feel secure. Our joy comes from God.

Maybe what you do pleases God and that is one way in which you worship Him. Awesome! Even then, remember that you may not always have that. Of course, you will always have God and you can always worship Him. In fact, our very lives should worship Him, and I believe that, as a child of God, it is difficult for your life not to worship Him. But you may not always be able to dance or to play guitar or write.

Replace what Habakkuk says with things that you love or that are big in your life. "Even if I can't afford groceries and I have little food to eat, even if I become injured and I can't do the activities I love, even if my devices break on me and I can't afford to replace them--even then, I will be happy with the Lord. I will truly find joy in God, who saves me."

I'm pretty bad with that last one there. I get pretty mad when my computer or phone or the internet start acting up. I don't know why I get mad, and I really don't like it. I keep trying to stay calm and I'm definitely improving. If I were to lose my computer for good, and I couldn't replace it, I admit I would be extremely upset. I would be angry, I would be sad. It would take a bit for me to be able to calm down enough. It would really be hard. I also know that I would not forsake God and that my life would not be over.

I know that, somehow, God would help me through it. He would provide in the way needed most. We can be joyful with nothing. Joy is different from happiness. Happiness comes and goes, like sadness. Joy is more permanent. It has to do with your heart, and your life, not just the moment in time. Can you be joyful with nothing?

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Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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