Sunday, 10 April 2016

Bible Reading #169 - Giving Faithfully

Giving Faithfully

Exodus 36

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 3-5) "Moses turned over to them all the contributions the Israelites had brought for the work of constructing the holy place. But the people still kept bringing him freewill offerings every morning. Finally, all the skilled craftsmen who were working on the holy place stopped what they were doing. They all came to Moses. They said, 'The people are bringing much more than we need for doing the work the LORD commanded us to do.' "

My Thoughts

Here the Israelites were working on the holy place and the tabernacle and all the things that went along with it. Obviously, they needed materials in order to build all these things. They needed fabrics, metals, wood and other things. So where did they get all these things? Remember the Egyptians gave them jewelry and clothing? Well, guess what they used!

Not only did they use what was given to them then, but also their own possessions, I'm sure. They gave what they had faithfully. You've probably heard of tithing before, right? That's where you give a set amount, about ten percent of your income back to God. I don't want to talk too much about tithing specifically. In the Bible, it wasn't necessarily currency because it could have been produce as well.

When we are to give; when the Bible talks about giving and when it is said of us that we should be giving, what does that look like? Does that look like tithing? charity donations, whether money or other things? Food banks? Clothing? I'm sure if you looked around, you'd be able to find a few things that you don't really need anymore and would be able to give away.

Myself personally, I'm pretty bad at this. It's something I want to do because I have a clothes that don't fit me or that I don't want. My problem is finding the time to go through stuff and then also, where do I take it? Now, does giving faithfully have to be of money or material things? Can it be of your knowledge, deeds or time?

I believe it can. You can give a lot of things to a lot of people. How often does a lasting relationship (it can be friendship only) happen from just giving a material thing? Not that often. When you invest your time in another person, that's when a relationship builds. If every time you went on a date, you just gave a flower or chocolate or jewelry, that relationship won't last long at all!

This is what I am better at doing. Spending time with people is important. Some people need that more than others. Children, those who have few friends, whose hearts are hurting. I want to give faithfully of my time, as well as other things. You should give how you want to give. Get creative as well and think of new ways that you can give to others or help them in some way. Even just a smile to a stranger is a great start!

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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