Sunday, 8 May 2016

Bible Reading #177 - Remembering People

Remembering People

1 Thessalonians 1

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 2-3) "We always thank God for all of you as we remember you in our prayers. In the presence of our God and Father, we never forget that your faith is active, your love is working hard, and your confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ is enduring."

My Thoughts

Okay, do I even need to say that it is good and important to remember people? I hope it goes without saying. We should always remember our friends and family, you know, those important to us. What about our enemies? Or random people you meet only once and never see again? Should you remember them as well? I would say yes.

Friends and family go without saying. If you don't remember your enemies, how do you avoid conflict or confrontation with them? Better yet, how can you pray for them? The same with those random people. Sometimes a job may require that you remember certain people. I mean, your boss and coworkers obviously, but clients and regulars should be there as well.

Our focus, when it comes to other people and our relationships with them, should be to build relationships that will last. You don't even need to preach to them or anything like that. I've mentioned before that just normal conversation and our actions can serve that purpose. So just build the relationship.

How we build these relationships is by being friendly to them, helping them and praying for them. It is very important that we pray for those who are important to us and it is important that we pray for people, and that includes our enemies. Speak highly of them for reasons deserving of it! If they have a great attitude, mention it when you talk about them. It's one thing to talk about yourself and the things that you do, and often it becomes bragging. It is another thing entirely when you talk about the things that someone else does.

It's a cool feeling when you meet someone one time and then a few weeks or even months later, you meet them again, (if things are good, and hopefully they are!) It's even cooler if names are remembered! I'm bad at that. It takes me a couple of meetings with someone to remember their name, but I usually remember faces. I love making friends, and God has been good to me with those He has put into my life.

In my opinion, it is a difficult thing to destroy a relationship because it takes serious effort to do so. It's hard as well to build a relationship, but easier than otherwise. When you talk to God, remember people and talk to God about them. If there's too many to name each individually, God knows who you are thinking about and who is in the grouping you put people into. Ask God to bless them and thank Him for them.

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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