Saturday, 14 May 2016

Bible Reading #178 - Judge One Another?

Judge One Another?

1 Corinthians 5

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 12-13) "After all, do I have any business judging those who are outside the Christian faith? Isn't it your business to judge those who are inside? God will judge those who are outside. Remove that wicked man from among you."

My Thoughts

Does the Bible tell us to judge one another? Some time ago, I made a post here on judging. What Romans 2 tells us is that we cannot judge anyone unless we are righteous. If we judge someone on something that we do ourselves, how can we possibly be right in doing so? That's hypocrisy. I believe Paul has the same principle in mind when he tells us to judge one another.

Now I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in that other post, but the word 'judge' is overused and misused a lot today. If you tell someone they're wrong, you're judging. If you disagree with someone, you're judgmental. If you give someone advice, it's still judging. That's all vague and generic. It may not be one hundred percent, but that is definitely how it seems to me.

No matter what, we cannot truly judge anyone because only God has that power. When we actually judge, it is an act that is done out of love. It is not condemnation. You shouldn't say that they are wrong and need to be punished and act all stern and so on. No, you should remind them that it wasn't right what they did. Lovingly. You support them through it and help them. That's what I feel real judging is.

What we should do is urge our brothers and sisters not to sin. If you know of a sin that a brother or sister has committed, you do have a right to talk to them. Be loving and without condemnation and in fact, talk to them privately. It's hard if it is someone you don't know, and I don't feel I can say how to deal with it. Don't do it yourself though, talk to someone at least for advice.

Again, you have the right to talk to your brother or sister about a sin they have committed. You do not have a right to condemn them or to do anything unloving. God will pass final judgement. Remember also that you do not have a right to say anything if it is something that you struggle with yourself. You need to deal with your own sin before you can say anything to someone else doing the same thing.

So yes, it is our duty to our brothers and sisters to judge one another. It is our duty to help each other and support each other through anything and everything. We need to be loving toward one another and we need to deal with our own sins before we can help someone else deal with theirs, at the least for the same thing.

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Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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