Saturday, 21 May 2016

Bible Reading #180 - It is for God

It is for God

Deuteronomy 9

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 6) "So understand this: It's not because you've been living right that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess. You are impossible to deal with!" (v. 24) "You've rebelled against the LORD as long as I've known you."

My Thoughts

We have all rebelled against God at some point. Sin is disobedience to God, and the Bible tells us that all have sinned. God loves us anyway and He blesses us in different ways. Everything we have is from Him and for Him. It is all for God. God does not reward us for bad behavior, and He does not bless us just because we have been good.

So if that's true, why does God bless us at all if we have all sinned and none of us deserve the blessings He gives us? God does so because He loves us and it is for Him. Nothing that God gives us is given to us because of our righteousness, because God is righteous. We are not.

No, we are not completely bad. We can make good choices that please God, but it is human nature to sin and because of that, we are not righteous. Only through Jesus are we made righteous, in Him. The Bible also tells us that all things were created for God, which means that not only is everything we have for the glory of God and given because of Him, but we are also for God's glory.

I feel like I'm speaking vaguely because the question I'm asking myself of what I am writing is, "What is all for God?" In everything that happens, God has a plan and nothing can or will come between that. God will work out His plan. That's still vague, but I can't say it any other way. I mean everything. Everything was created by Him and for Him.

You are not blessed with your gifts so that you can enjoy them for yourself and profit from them somehow. You are blessed with your gifts so that you can use them to glorify God. In whatever you do, you can glorify God. If you're a builder and you carve a special design into a random bit of wood that will be completely covered and no one will ever see it, but you do it for God, then you still did it for God. (There's a story about that somewhere, by the way.)

Glorify God in everything you do. In the little things, with the little things, and the big things. Whether other people see it or not or even know or not doesn't matter. If it's for God, that's all that matters. All you have is from Him and for Him, so find a way to glorify God with what He has given you. 

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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