Saturday, 6 August 2016

Bible Reading #202 - Fleeing Home

Fleeing Home

Genesis 19

Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is Beautiful. - Prince
I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 12) "Then the men asked Lot, 'Do you have anyone else here--any in-laws, sons, daughters, or any other relatives in the city? Get them out of here " (v. 16) "When he hesitated, the men grabbed him, his wife, and his two daughters by their hands, because the LORD wanted to spare Lot. They brought them safely outside the city." (v. 26) "Lot's wife looked back and turned into a column of salt."

My Thoughts

Remember from Genesis 18, the previous post, we learned that Abraham had asked God repeatedly to spare the city of Sodom for the sake of any righteous or innocents living there. Lot was the only one, so God was determined to spare Lot's life and his family. This meant that Lot needed to flee his home. He was hesitant, understandably so, because it is very difficult for one to leave their home in such a manner, probably not taking anything, or much with them.

Unfortunately, there are many people in real life today who in such circumstances where they need to flee their home. A lot of times, it is literally a matter of life and death, as it was for Lot and his family. God was going to destroy the entire city, not just the people alone. He made sure Lot was safe though.

I don't know if anyone reading this is going through this or has gone through it and I don't know what I can do to help. If your situation is better now, then that's what matters and I am thankful to God for that! For those in the situation of having to flee their home, for whatever reason, I pray for them. Every night, I include those people in my prayers and I am asking God right now to give them protection and peace and prosperity where they go.

weird salt formations
There are some interesting
salt formations out there...
If you ever had to leave your home in such a hurry, and you could not look back, would you be able to? You probably wouldn't turn into a column of salt if you did. That's my question this time, why did Lot's wife turn to a pillar of salt and what exactly does that mean? I really don't understand that at all. I guess the reason why is because they were told not to look back, but it's still a very strange thing.

I know it would be very difficult for me to flee my home, in any circumstance really, and I definitely wouldn't want to and I wish no one ever had to. With the stuff that we have today and peoples' 'need' for material things, and abundance of such, it makes it even more difficult. I am included in that group too.

What I think we can learn from this is that we can be hesitant in lots of things. It seems when it comes to what God calls us to, we are often more hesitant. Take Jonah for example. Jonah tried to flee from God's calling for him. God sent a storm and a fish to swallow Jonah. God also had mercy on Jonah and gave him a second chance.

Even though; even if, we are hesitant to obey God, He is merciful. He wants the best for us and He does not want us to suffer. Even though we may suffer in some way, God can give us joy and peace and healing through it all.

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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