Saturday, 18 June 2016

Bible Reading #188 - Only Mortal

Only Mortal

Genesis 6

I pray blessings on you as you read.

(v. 3) "Then the LORD said, 'My Spirit will struggle with humans forever, because they are flesh and blood. They will live 120 years.' " (v. 5-6) "The LORD saw how evil humans become on the earth. All day long their deepest thoughts were nothing but evil. The LORD was sorry that he made humans on the earth, and he was heartbroken."

My Thoughts

Our question last week was "Why/how did people live hundreds of years?" And that is what we are going to focus on today. I had some conversations on Reddit about this, which was awesome! We know that people are not immortal and that we only live so long. You're considered lucky if you can live to 100 these days. It's still a bit hard to imagine living 500 plus!

I don't think even Superman could live forever...
Around Noah's time, God was grieved about creating man. People's hearts were filled with evil all the time. God couldn't allow this to go on, so He sent the flood and destroyed all, leaving only Noah and his family. How could people possibly cause God such grief? So much so that He decided to completely wipe them all out like He did? There are still people today who have such evil in their hearts, but God will deal with them too. Just not with a flood, as per His promise.

What verse 3 says is that God's Spirit will no longer be in us or struggle with us and we will live 120 years. This is the answer to our question above: God's Spirit was in people, and that's how they lived hundreds of years. "But God's Spirit is in us today, too, is it not?" Yes, this is true.

God's Spirit is absolutely in us today. If that was not true, then parts of the Bible, especially after Jesus' time, would not be true. I think God's Spirit was in them in a different way than it is now. Then, people were much closer to God, in general, at least for a time. In Genesis 4:26, it says that people began o call on God. He was known to them in a different way than now.

People always wonder how God went about doing things. How did God create the earth? The universe? Us? Where did everything come from? Some people think that the big bang is how God created everything. The Bible says He spoke light into being and that we were formed from the dust of the earth. So it's natural people would wonder about why we only live a fraction of how long we used to.

From my conversations on Reddit, one person said that it could have been due to a hyper-oxygenated atmosphere, and that the flood, causing many, many deaths, would have put a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, changing the balance of the two. It would have taken a while for an equilibrium to establish, hence why after Noah's time, some people still lived 200 years.

Another person said they heard it was due to a more perfect genome, being that Adam and Eve were the first humans, they had the first genome it slowly deprecates over time. I don't know the way in which God accomplished this, I just know what the Bible says. Tomorrow, I will be posting about the flood. I didn't have a central question for today. If you have one, leave it in the comments below!

Prayer Time

Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.

Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!

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