Mountain of the Lord
Micah 4
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I pray blessings on you as you read. |
(v. 1-2) "In the last days the mountain of the LORD's house will be established as the highest of the mountains and raised above the hills. People will stream to it. Then many nations will come and say, 'Let's go to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways so that we may live by them.' The teachings will go out from Zion. The word of the LORD will go out from Jerusalem."
My Thoughts
I am going to be honest that I don't fully understand what the mountain of the LORD is all about. The start of Micah 4 says "In the last days..." so I am pretty sure that that is referring to after the rapture and the seven year tribulation takes place. Micah 4 doesn't say much specifically about the mountain, besides that it will be established and people will stream to it to learn His ways so they can live by them.
So I think that this chapter is more of a picture of the way things will be after those times. It tells of the kind of peace there will be. That weapons will be made into tools and that no one will train for war anymore, nor will there be any battles or conflict.
Okay, so if I titled this according to the mountain of the LORD, that's what I should be talking about, right? Well, it still is. God is peaceful and loving, so those are (some of) His ways. Which is said in Micah 4 that people will learn about. That's why weapons will be made into tools, because weapons are not used for anything but fighting.
Now, my question is this: why do we have to wait for all of this to take place before we start being peaceful? The answer is that we don't. When this all takes place, that will happen, because God has said so. Until then, small steps can be taken in smaller and even larger places to make peace. That's something that can be accomplished by individuals making a choice to be at peace with others.
So I think that this chapter is more of a picture of the way things will be after those times. It tells of the kind of peace there will be. That weapons will be made into tools and that no one will train for war anymore, nor will there be any battles or conflict.
Okay, so if I titled this according to the mountain of the LORD, that's what I should be talking about, right? Well, it still is. God is peaceful and loving, so those are (some of) His ways. Which is said in Micah 4 that people will learn about. That's why weapons will be made into tools, because weapons are not used for anything but fighting.
Now, my question is this: why do we have to wait for all of this to take place before we start being peaceful? The answer is that we don't. When this all takes place, that will happen, because God has said so. Until then, small steps can be taken in smaller and even larger places to make peace. That's something that can be accomplished by individuals making a choice to be at peace with others.
Prayer Time
Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.
Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!
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