Remain Faithful to God
Ezra 8
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I pray blessings on you as you read. |
(v. 21) "There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions." (v. 31) "On the twelfth day of the first month we set out from the Ahava Canal to go to Jerusalem. The hand of our God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and bandits along the way."
My Thoughts
Ezra led many people back to Jerusalem after 70 years in captivity. Jerusalem needed to be rebuilt and the neighboring people to Jerusalem were hostile. If the rebuilding was going to succeed, Ezra and the Israelites needed the help of God and they would have to remain faithful to Him. That is exactly the reason Ezra proclaimed a fast. He was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers to protect them because he told the king that God's hand was upon them.
Ezra and those he was leading were faithful to God and God in turn was faithful to them. God is always faithful to us and no matter what, He will never leaves us or forsake us. However, even though God is always faithful to us, if we deliberately disobey Him and we are far from Him and our hearts are against Him, God is not going to answer our prayers. He will hear them, but He will not answer. God is not a genie to grant our every wish.
When we are faithful to God, He works in us and through us powerfully. God will not always answer our prayers the way we want because He has something better in mind. God is God and we're not and there may be times when you don't understand something that God is doing. That is totally fine, just don't lose faith in Him.
When your journey or task is hard, don't rely on only yourself to make it or get it done. Don't worry to much about the time things take. Rely on God and remain faithful to Him because through Him, the journey will be completed in the best way possible, even if it takes longer than you wanted. The task will be completed with great effort and a job well done, even if it takes longer than you wanted.
When it comes to being faithful to God, we cannot worry about time or speed. God is eternal and He is patient and He is timeless. God has been around longer than the creation of the universe. People very early on in the Bible lived to be hundreds of years old, some got close to living for a millennium! Don't you think that God can allow the same thing to happen again? He may not, but why assume that He will not when you can not worry about it and possibly be surprised? God can restore any amount of time that we 'lose' doing what it is He asks of us. That time, by the way, is most definitely not lost.
Remain faithful to God always so that you can bask in His glory and enjoy all the best that God has in store for you. Stay close to Him and do not stray. You will be amazed at how much more joy you will have in life, even through tough times. God knows best what needs to get done and when, all you have to do is trust Him.
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Ezra and those he was leading were faithful to God and God in turn was faithful to them. God is always faithful to us and no matter what, He will never leaves us or forsake us. However, even though God is always faithful to us, if we deliberately disobey Him and we are far from Him and our hearts are against Him, God is not going to answer our prayers. He will hear them, but He will not answer. God is not a genie to grant our every wish.
When we are faithful to God, He works in us and through us powerfully. God will not always answer our prayers the way we want because He has something better in mind. God is God and we're not and there may be times when you don't understand something that God is doing. That is totally fine, just don't lose faith in Him.
When your journey or task is hard, don't rely on only yourself to make it or get it done. Don't worry to much about the time things take. Rely on God and remain faithful to Him because through Him, the journey will be completed in the best way possible, even if it takes longer than you wanted. The task will be completed with great effort and a job well done, even if it takes longer than you wanted.
When it comes to being faithful to God, we cannot worry about time or speed. God is eternal and He is patient and He is timeless. God has been around longer than the creation of the universe. People very early on in the Bible lived to be hundreds of years old, some got close to living for a millennium! Don't you think that God can allow the same thing to happen again? He may not, but why assume that He will not when you can not worry about it and possibly be surprised? God can restore any amount of time that we 'lose' doing what it is He asks of us. That time, by the way, is most definitely not lost.
Remain faithful to God always so that you can bask in His glory and enjoy all the best that God has in store for you. Stay close to Him and do not stray. You will be amazed at how much more joy you will have in life, even through tough times. God knows best what needs to get done and when, all you have to do is trust Him.
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Prayer Time
Now you talk to God about what you read, and you can even read this chapter of the Bible for yourself before you do.
Let me know your thoughts on this reading as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read, I pray that what you have read blesses and inspires you! Godbless!
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